Telecare and Careline equipment and emergency alarms
What is it?
Telecare/Careline and emergency alarms are 24 hour emergency monitoring systems that can help older and vulnerable people to remain living independently and safely in their own homes. They can be used for people who have a medical condition and can offer security and peace of mind.
How does it work?
Telecare equipment is linked to a telephone alarm unit which, when activated, automatically generates an emergency call. You wear a pendant around your neck or as a wrist band, or kept close at hand during the night, so you can call for help simply by pressing a button. This sends an alarm to the Careline control centre where staff can arrange for you to get the help you need immediately, whatever the time of day.
To have a Careline telephone and an emergency alarm, you need to have a telephone landline and a nearby electrical socket. The unit has an in-built microphone and a powerful loud speaker so that you can be heard from a distance. Once you’ve pressed your emergency button, your personal code is instantly recognised by the Careline control centre's computer and a two-way speech link is set up with the centre.
Emergencies are responded to within minutes by arranging help from a relative or friend, your GP and emergency services.
Emergency sensor options
Telecare can also provide other sensors to give early warning of natural gas, smoke, extreme heat, flood, a fall or whether someone has left the property or managed to get in or out of bed safely.
Who can get Telecare/Careline?
The service is available to anyone over the age of 18 with illness, sight or hearingloss or a physical or learning disability. It’s also useful for people in the early stages of dementia, at high risk of falling or having just come out of hospital. It’s particularly useful for those living alone who wish to remain living independently in their own home.
Before you receive this service, however, we do need to make an assessment of how great the risks are and what sort of help you need if you want the Telecare sensors from Adult Social Care.
After the assessment we’ll identify and agree your needs with you and discuss the help and support available to meet them according to the seriousness of your situation
If you find that you don't qualify for help from Adult Social Care, you can purchase the same service privately.
How much does it cost?
You can buy the equipment for a one-off payment of £221.00 plus £21.00 per quarter for the 24 hour answering service. If you choose to rent, the cost is £48.99 per quarter all inclusive. Prices don’t include VAT but most subscribers will be exempt. With both options, installation is free.
Can I get help with the cost?
Although the installation is free, you have to buy the Careline base unit or rent it, and the 24 hour answering service is a set quarterly charge for everyone.
We can, however, provide the Telecare sensors free of charge if you’re eligible for Social Care.
Aid Call
Aid Call is a similar service offered by Age Concern. You’ll be asked to select two or more key holders living at separate addresses, who you can rely on to help you in an emergency. When the alarm button is pressed the response centre will contact your chosen key holders and if, for any reason, they’re unable to contact your key holders, they’ll contact emergency services if appropriate. There’s also a charge for this, depending on what service you have.
Annual report
Useful contacts
You can find more information in Richmond Councils’s Telecare Solutions brochure
(pdf, 765KB).
You can also check out general information from London Telecare:
Phone: 0800 085 6323
Aid Call Ltd.
If you’re still unsure you can contact the Adult Social Care Access Team
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